Heavy metal detox

        There are many natural chelators on the market that intend to detoxify heavy metals from the body, but none has solid scientific research to support them. The natural formula for detoxifying heavy metals, which we called here HMD has solid research behind it, as well as nearly a decade of clinical experience by physicians around the world. The products that accompany HMD for optimal detoxification and drainage are:

  • HMD - this formulation is the main formula that draws heavy metals from inside the cells of the body


  • HMD LAVAGE - This is an herbal drainage medicine that can be used to support detoxifying organs such as the kidneys, liver and lymphatic system.


  • HMD CHLORELLA - natural algae that helps to collect heavy metals that lurk in the body, but can not remove toxic metals from inside the cell


  • HMD ULTIMATE DETOX PACK - this contains all the above 3 products and it is recommended to use them together for optimal detoxification without detoxification reactions - one month supply

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