What is Sweetie for and what natural remedies are made from it?

Sweetie has been found to contain a powerful substance called amorphrutin that lowers blood sugar.
Here's how licorice root can help people with diabetes:
Turn ordinary tea into a healing and natural sweetener using these ingredients:
What is Sweetie for and what natural remedies are made from it?
The licorice was a wonderful herb that remained popular even in the dark ages. Its root extract has many healing properties. It is an adaptogenic herb that is useful for regulating hormonal balance to stimulate good mental health. Thus, it can prevent the effects of stress, depression and anxiety.
The antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties of licorice also help fight infections. Licorice root gel is an effective remedy for skin diseases and can reduce pain and inflammation in wounds.
For a long time, licorice roots also served as a treatment for respiratory disorders. Tea made from licorice root is an effective expectorant for the treatment of coughs and colds. It is also an important herb for treating stomach disorders and for cleansing the colon.
Taking licorice root extract
or tea helps women cope with menstrual disorders. Similarly, men with prostate problems can find a cure in this herb. Licorice is also an anaphrodisiac that suppresses or reduces libido in both men and women.
When taken properly, licorice root can cure the following diseases:
Aphthous ulcers
Skin problems (psoriasis, eczema, rash, sports foot)
Eye problems (cataracts, myopia)
Respiratory disorders
Liver disease
Anxiety and other mental health problems
Reproductive health problems (PCOS, PMS, menopause, prostate cancer, infertility)
Low blood pressure
Nausea and altitude sickness
Glycyrrhiza glabra is an edible plant, but its most striking part is its roots. The root extract is not only used as a sweetener or aroma, but can also cure certain diseases. It is also prepared as an infusion or decoction and is made in tinctures, syrups and pills.
The wood chips from the licorice roots are chewed raw to release their sweetness. Today, you can also find licorice leaves in certain foods. Loose leaves are used to make teas. However, the leaves are not as popular as the roots.
1 tablespoon dried licorice root pieces
1 cup water
1 cinnamon stick or 1½2 teaspoon
Ginger of your choice
In a saucepan, add the licorice roots, ginger and cinnamon stick to the water and bring to the boil. If you use ground cinnamon, check out step 2. You can also increase the amount using the 1: 1 ratio of licorice root and water.
Stir in the ground cinnamon once the water has started to boil. Then lower the temperature to let the licorice tea simmer for 10 minutes
Strain the peel into a glass and enjoy your sweet medicinal tea hot or warm. Stir before drinking when using ground cinnamon as particles may settle to the bottom of the glass.
This peel is a great remedy for sore throat with additional healing effect of ginger. Children over 50 kg. can drink 1/3 cup of licorice tea three times a day for cough. There is no specific dose for adults, but they should limit their intake to avoid side effects.
My blessing to you for good health,🌿🌺
Your Vasia

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