We all try to stay away from colds and flu as much as possible, especially in these uncertain times.
Today I want to share with you my number 1 herb that works wonders to avoid all these bacteria.
Can you guess what that is?
As many of you know, elderberry is one of my favorite herbs for avoiding and treating infectious diseases. My family always takes it when we are out in public, on a trip or if we feel like we have a cold. It is one of the best antiviral herbs on the planet.
In addition to shortening the duration of colds and flu, this very old plant is also useful for inflammation, chronic fatigue, allergies, nerve pain, cancer and more. Importantly, elderberry can be used by those with an autoimmune disorder - unlike other herbs that can cause triggers such as echinacea, golden grain and astragalus. It is a comprehensive and powerful medicine that everyone should have in their medicine cabinet!
Elderberry contains antioxidants, flavonols, quercetin, campferol and isorhamnetin, and the flowers contain up to 10 times more than berries. Berries are also rich in anthocyanins, which provide strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.
Berries and flowers also have a long culinary tradition of use! Cooked berries are often made into jams, juices, pies and wine. Elderflower flowers can be added to tea or boiled in sugar

Boil water in a saucepan and dissolve 1 kg of sugar (500 g). Remove from the heat and mix: 20 fresh elderberries, 25 g of citric acid, 1 peeled and sliced ​​lemon. Cover and cook for 12-24 hours. Drain the liquid through gauze and a bottle.
Black elderberry extract has been shown to reduce the severity and length of colds and flu. In one study, 60 people with the flu who took 15 ml of elderberry extract four times a day experienced improvement in symptoms for 2 to 4 days, while the control group needed 7 to 8 days to improve. In addition, a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial involving 312 airliners taking 300 mg of elderberry three times a day showed that participants who actually had a cold or flu recovered faster and had less severe symptoms.
My No. 1 Herb to Avoid Flu, Colds, and Severe Respiratory Diseases - Elderberry Extract
One concern during our current pandemic is that elderberry may over-stimulate the immune system and create a "cytokine storm." However, systematic review of the data has shown that elderberry is a safe option for the treatment of viral respiratory diseases and that there is no evidence that the herb over-stimulates the immune system. In fact, another study published in the medical journal Autoimmunity Reviews believes that "the use of elderberry supplements should be considered in the early stages of the disease." I highly recommend you read this fascinating study!
Elderberry tinctures are not toxic, but if you collect them yourself, you will notice that every part of the plant is slightly toxic. Do not use the fresh plant without pre-cooking or drying. Bark and root should never be taken internally. Elder leaves and immature berries are poisonous.


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